Our Opportunities
Deadline: Scholarship deadline dates vary. Scholarships without a deadline date may not be open yet. Most scholarship opportunities open on November 1.
Award: The amount stated is for general information purposes. Actual award amounts can vary based on recipient eligibility, available funds, and other factors.
*IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION: Upon completion of the NDSU Scholarship Application the scholarship portal will automatically match you, based on your application and your NDSU student record, with scholarship opportunities for which you meet the eligibility criteria. Scholarships you have automatically matched with may require additional information and will show as “recommended” on your NDSU scholarship portal home page. To be considered for these scholarships, click on the yellow “Apply” button listed next to each one to complete the additional questions. Otherwise, scholarships that require no additional information will show as “None” under “Action."
Award | Name | Actions |
Varies |
Olson Family Endowed Scholarship
Available to full-time sophomore, junior or seniors who demonstrate...
Deadline03/27/2025 |
Varies |
Achievers Transfer Award
The Achievers Transfer Award is available to incoming transfer students...
Deadline04/01/2025 |
Varies |
Bernard Osher Foundation Reentry Scholarship
The Bernard Osher Foundation established the Osher Reentry Scholarship...
Deadline04/01/2025 |
Varies |
Crankstart Re-Entry Scholarship
The Crankstart Re-Entry Scholarship is available to those students who...
Deadline04/01/2025 |
Varies |
John and Alyce B. Travers Scholarship
The John and Alyce B. Travers Scholarship is awarded to current and...
Deadline04/01/2025 |
$500.00 |
Tyler Jangula Memorial Scholarship
The Tyler Jangula Memorial Scholarship is available to students who...
Deadline04/01/2025 |
Varies |
Spring CSM Promising Undergraduate Research Scholarship (PURS)
Students must be enrolled full-time at NDSU at the time of disbursement...
Deadline05/01/2025 |
Varies |
Tsi-lung Choong Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Applicant must be a full-time graduate or undergraduate student pursuing...
Deadline05/01/2025 |
Varies |
Non-Resident Tuition Benefit
The Non-Resident Tuition Benefit is available for those students who...
Deadline08/01/2025 |
$500.00 |
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
The Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship is available to incoming transfer...
Deadline08/01/2025 |
$3000 |
NDSU International Fall Award (Tier 1)
New first-year or transfer international students for the Fall semester...
Deadline08/15/2025 |
$2000 |
NDSU International Fall Award (Tier 2)
New first-year or transfer international students for the Fall semester...
Deadline08/15/2025 |
$3,500.00 |
B A Bison Scholarship
The B A Bison Scholarship is part of the NDSU Bison Win Program which is...
Deadline08/29/2025 |
Varies |
Bison Merit Award
The Bison Merit Scholarship is given to incoming first-year students...
Deadline08/29/2025 |
Varies |
ARCHIVED - Cardinal Health Scholarship
The Cardinal Health Scholarship is given to pharmacy students with a...
Ended |
Varies |
Spring Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
The Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship is available to incoming transfer...
Ended |
Varies |
Spring NDSU HERD S-STEM Scholarship
Students must be enrolled at NDSU an incoming freshman or a currently...
Ended |
Varies |
Academic Transfer Award
The Academic Transfer Award is available to high-achieving incoming...
Ended |
$3000 |
NDSU International Spring Award (Tier 1)
New first-year or transfer international students for the Spring...
Ended |
$2000 |
NDSU International Spring Award (Tier 2)
New first-year or transfer international students for the Spring...
Ended |
Varies |
Spring Achievers Transfer Award
The Achievers Transfer Award is available to incoming transfer students...
Ended |
$1,000.00 |
AG Dean's Freshman
Available to incoming freshman enrolled in the College of Agriculture,...
Ended |
Varies |
AHSS Tribal Student Scholarship
Students must be enrolled as a full-time freshman or transfer student at...
Ended |
$1,000.00 |
Al Gustin Agricultural Communication Scholarship Endowment
Available to students who are pursuing a major or minor in Agricultural...
Ended |
$2,500.00 |
Albert and Celeste Brauer Scholarship
The Albert and Celeste Brauer Scholarship is given to any full time...
Ended |
Varies |
Albin and Emma Anderson Memorial
Available to an incoming freshman enrolled in the College of...
Ended |
Varies |
Alex Lind Memorial
Available to incoming freshmen in the College of Agriculture, Food...
Ended |
$1,500.00 |
Alice Flaten Olsen and Ethel C. Flaten Memorial Scholarship
The Alice Flaten Olsen and Ethel C. Flaten Memorial Scholarship is...
Ended |
Varies |
Allen and Lori Gradous Scholarship
The Allen and Lori Gradous Scholarship is awarded to an incoming...
Ended |
$2,000.00 |
American Crystal Sugar Engineering Scholarship Endowment
American Crystal Sugar Engineering Scholarship is open to incoming...
Ended |
Varies |
Amy and William Layne Scholarship
The Amy and William Layne Scholarship is available to current and...
Ended |
Varies |
Annexstad Family Foundation Leaders for Tomorrow
The Annexstad Family Foundation Leaders for Tomorrow Scholarship...
Ended |
$1,900.00 |
Arthur and Edith Pearson Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship is available to incoming freshmen who have graduated...
Ended |
$1,000.00 |
Arthur W. Clara Cupler Foundation Scholarship
The Arthur W. Clara Cupler Foundation Scholarship is made available to...
Ended |
Varies |
Barbara Montee Undergraduate Psychology Scholarship
Barbara Montee Undergraduate Psychology Scholarship is open to students...
Ended |
Varies |
Barry and Sue Schuchard Engineering Scholarship
The Barry and Sue Schuchard Scholarship Endowment is available to...
Ended |
$1,500.00 |
BenVern and Marjorie Klug Scholarship Endowment
The BenVern and Marjorie Klug Scholarship Endowment is available to full...
Ended |
Varies |
Berg Family Music Scholarship
Students must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate at NDSU at the...
Ended |
Varies |
Beverly Kurtz Slotten Scholarship
The Beverly Kurtz Slotten Scholarship is available to incoming freshmen...
Ended |
Varies |
Bidders Bowl Scholarship
The NDSU Bidders Bowl Scholarship is available to incoming students who...
Ended |
Varies |
Bismarck-Mandan Scholarship
The Bismarck-Mandan Scholarship is available to incoming freshman...
Ended |
Varies |
Bob and Claudette Sutton Scholarship
The Bob and Claudette Sutton Scholarship is available to incoming...
Ended |
Varies |
Bollinger Family Scholarship
Awarded to incoming first-year students pursuing a major within the...
Ended |
Varies |
Brian A. Bachmeier Electrical and Computer Engineering Scholarship
The Brian A. Bachmeier Electrical and Computer Engineering Scholarship...
Ended |
Varies |
Captain Thomas J. O'Kane Gramith, USAF Memorial Scholarship
Students must be enrolled as a full-time freshman at NDSU at the time of...
Ended |
$1,500.00 |
Carroll D. and Maud Murray King Scholarship
The Carroll D. and Maud Murray King Scholarship is made available to an...
Ended |
$3,000.00 |
Catherine Reagan Sheffield Scholarship Endowment
Students must be enrolled full-time as a freshman or transfer student to...
Ended |
Varies |
Celeste Svihovec Beard Theatre Arts Scholarship
Incoming students pursuing a major within the Department of Theatre...
Ended |
$1,500.00 |
Charles and Bonnie Ulmer Leadership Scholarship
The Charles and Bonnie Ulmer Leadership Scholarship is made available to...
Ended |
$1,500.00 |
Charles E. Gruman Memorial Agriculture Scholarship
Students must be enrolled as a full-time freshman at NDSU at the time of...
Ended |