Our Opportunities
Deadline: Scholarship deadline dates vary. Scholarships without a deadline date may not be open yet. Most scholarship opportunities open on November 1.
Award: The amount stated is for general information purposes. Actual award amounts can vary based on recipient eligibility, available funds, and other factors.
*IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION: Upon completion of the NDSU Scholarship Application the scholarship portal will automatically match you, based on your application and your NDSU student record, with scholarship opportunities for which you meet the eligibility criteria. Scholarships you have automatically matched with may require additional information and will show as “recommended” on your NDSU scholarship portal home page. To be considered for these scholarships, click on the yellow “Apply” button listed next to each one to complete the additional questions. Otherwise, scholarships that require no additional information will show as “None” under “Action."
Award | Name | Actions |
Varies |
Madeline S. Gittings Scholarship - School of Humanities
Be a full-time student in good standing who is majoring in a foreign...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Major Jeffrey Hoernemann Memorial Scholarship
Available to sophomore, junior or seniors who are pursuing a major...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Majore Lovering Memorial Scholarship/North Dakota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Recipient(s) of this scholarship must be properly enrolled in the...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Malina Ellingson-Larson Memorial
This opportunity is available to students majoring in Veterinary...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Management and Marketing Scholarship
The Management and Marketing Scholarship is available to students...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marathon Oil Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
The Marathon Oil Mechanical Engineering Scholarship is awarded to...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Margaret (Groethe) and J.H. Stickelmeyer Memorial Chemistry Scholarship
The Margaret (Groethe) and J.H. Stickelmeyer Memorial Chemistry...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Margaret Haedt Memorial
Available to a student at a sophomore standing or higher who is enrolled...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Margaret Kaler (Peggy Harbeke) HDFS Scholarship
Students must be enrolled full time as a sophomore, junior, or senior at...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Margaret Richardson Lyddon Scholarship - Communication
The Margaret Richardson Lyddon Scholarship is available to those...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Margaret Richardson Lyddon Scholarship - Theatre
The Margaret Richardson Lyddon Scholarship is available to those...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Margaret Shoesmith Wiseman Scholarship
Available to full-time juniors or seniors who are pursuing a one of the...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Margo and John Q. Paulsen
Available to NDSU junior, senior or graduate students enrolled full time...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Margo Paulsen Chapter AH P.E.O. Memorial Scholarship
Available to junior or senior female students, pursuing a degree in one...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marguerite O. Tollefson Scholarship
Scholarships awarded to art majors at sophomore level or above. This...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marian Walla Wenker Endowment Fund
Recipient(s) of this endowment must be properly enrolled at NDSU in the...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marion C. Benson Memorial Scholarship
Recipient(s) of this endowment must be properly enrolled at NDSU in the...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marion K. and Byron D. Bobb Endowed Agriculture Scholarship
Available to full-time sophomores and juniors who are pursuing a major...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marion K. and Byron D. Bobb Endowed Nutrition Science Scholarship
Available to full-time sophomores and juniors majoring in Nutrition...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marjory Archer Haggart Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship given biennially to a sophomore or junior student with...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mark and Carol Kiemele Endowed Scholarship
The Mark and Carol Kiemele Endowed Scholarship is available to students...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mark and Lisa Martens Family Accounting Scholarship
The Mark and Lisa Martens Family Accounting Scholarship is available to...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mark and Mary Andrews
Available to student pursuing a master’s or doctorate degree in the...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marlo and Carolyn Brackelsberg Family Endowed Scholarship
Available to full-time junior or senior students who have graduated from...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marshall McDonald Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
The Marshall McDonald Mechanical Engineering Scholarship is awarded to...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mart and Lois Vogel Award for Excellence
English awards will be based primarily on academic achievement and given...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mart and Lois Vogel Award for Excellence in Theatre
The Mart and Lois Vogel Award for Excellence in Theatre is available to...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Martin J. Marchello and Barbara Handy-Marchello Animal Sciences Scholarship
The recipient shall have a declared major in the department of Animal...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Martin J. Marchello and Barbara Handy-Marchello History Scholarship
The recipient shall be pursuing a major in the School of Humanities in...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marvin and Doris Jensen Endowment
The Marvin and Doris Jensen scholarship is awarded to a junior, senior...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Marvin Scholarship
Available to sophomores or juniors who are pursuing a major in...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mary C. Schuh Memorial
Available to students enrolled in the Masters or PhD programs of Soil...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mary Walker Scholarship
Students must be enrolled full-time as a sophomore, junior, or senior at...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mathematics Department Fund
The Pythagoras Award is available to incoming freshmen majoring in...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mathematics Scholarship
The Mathematics Scholarship is available to students who are pursuing a...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mathematics Scholarship Endowment Fund
This scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled at NDSU at the time of...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mathilda Thompson Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled at NDSU during the...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Matt Kirby Memorial
Available to a sophomore, junior or senior enrolled in Range Science...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Matthew Law College of Business Scholarship
Available to a sophomore, junior, or senior in the College of Business...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Matzek Family Endowment
The Matzek Family Scholarship is awarded to students with a declared...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mavis Nymon Food and Nutrition Scholarship
Student must be a graduate student pursing a degree in Dietetics and...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mayflower Music Award
The Mayflower Music Award is available to a Music Major with Piano as...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
McCarthy Science Teacher Education Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled at NDSU during the...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
MDU (Montana Dakota Utilities)
Available to NDSU sophomore or junior students who are from areas served...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mechanical Engineering Alumni Scholarship
The Mechanical Engineering Alumni Scholarship is awarded to students...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mechanical Engineering Endowed Scholarship
Students must be enrolled full time at NDSU at the time of disbursement...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
The Mechanical Engineering Scholarship is available to students who are...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mel and Sharyl Maier Scholarship
Available to student enrolled in Agricultural Education or Family and...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mel Ulteig Scholarship
The Mel Ulteig Scholarship is awarded to sophomore, junior, or senior...
Deadline03/01/2025 |
Varies |
Melvin L. Morris Chemistry Scholarship
The Melvin L. Morris Chemistry Scholarship is available to Graduate...
Deadline03/01/2025 |