George T. and Evonne Lund

George T. and Evonne Lund

James G. Lund was born in 1911. He was the son of immigrant parents. His father
was from Denmark and his mother from Nova Scotia. He graduated from Fargo
Central High School in 1928. That fall he enrolled at NDAC, pursuing a degree in
Civil Engineering. He was a member of the Sigma Phi Delta fraternity and played
clarinet in the GoId Star Band. During his time at NDAC, he worked part-time for
the North Dakota Highway Department and upon graduation in 1932, went to
work for them on a full-time basis. In 1936, he accepted a position as Trail County
Engineer in Hillsboro, ND. In 1946, he moved to Fargo as General Manager of
Concrete Sectional Culvert Company. In 1958, he bought the company and in
1969, sold out and retired. During his working years, he was active in Kiwanis, FM
Elks Club, the Shrine, FM YMCA and the First Methodist Church. Jim would be
proud to know this scholarship, in his name, will help a deserving student along
his or her way.
