Hemstad Marchus Leadership Scholarship

Hemstad Marchus Leadership Scholarship

Leif Hemstad (‘92) and Kristen Marchus-Hemstad (’91) believe in the Four C’s of Leadership: Courage, Commitment, Caring and Community. Their intention with this Fund is to support students who are leaders within the University and the Community and if, opportunity presents itself, mentor these students as well.
Leif and Kristen intent is for the recipients to demonstrate courage; defined as a willingness to take action and risk despite fear, uncertainty and doubt through previous experiences. These students should be able to articulate the challenges they face in becoming a better leader and the ways in which they will approach the leadership journey. They show genuine dedication to the ideals of community services and servant leadership exhibited through the caring of others. Students should demonstrate authentic relationships with the greater community and impact the NDSU/Fargo community by empowering their peers to serve and/or by increasing awareness of community service. Through this and because of their leadership, the recipients of this award should make significant contributions to both the campus community and the local, national or global community. The recipients of this award should demonstrate commitment, initiative, motivation, and potential for continued student leadership within the university. They should have a focused personal theme and approach that is evident in their leadership journey.
