Pamela Puppe Nursing Scholarship

Pamela Puppe Nursing Scholarship

Dear Nursing Student,
I’m giving this gift in hopes that someday you will pay it forward and help another young person fulfill their dream in becoming a nurse which is such an Honorable Profession.

My reason is simple…I wanted to be a nurse. I too had near perfect grades, but I grew up extremely poor. My father of Polish descent felt college wasn’t important. He refused to co-sign for any loan or scholarship (a necessity in those days). We grew up in the days of only buying with cash what you can afford and not living on credit. He knew he could not pay back the loans in the event I failed to pay my loan obligation. Therefore, my dream was ended and I sought other employment as a hair stylist, where I still could take care of others.

Fast forward in my life and I have truly experienced the value of your profession. I have stood by and had hands on in the care of my father, with cancer, my mother, in intensive care for two and one half months with heart disease, and helped several of my friends during chemo treatments. I watched the loving care as hospice nurses made my dying husband comfortable for six weeks and stood by their sides while he passed away peacefully. Now, I’m watching my present husband suffer the agonies of cancer, but the nurses are truly the ones that are there to help administer and place their kinds hands on him. They listen and wipe our tears to give comfort and support.

I don’t write this to make you sad or ask for sympathy, but to let you know you are truly “God’s Angels” at work on Earth. I hope you will accept this gift knowing the difference you can and will make in so many people’s lives. You will not remember all of them or their loved ones, but they will remember you. I pray that as you pursue your career you don’t just do the work, but know that just as important, is the kindness, mercy and love you give. May God Bless you as you go into the World!

With Love and Hope, Pam Puppe

P.S. I would love to hear from you as to how your studies are going, where you find employmnet, and some day, possibly meet you.
